How to Quit Smoking Weed | Easy Tips to Quit Marijuana and Tobacco

People take weed either for recreation or for medical benefits. This is because weed contains THC and CBD, which have many health benefits. the benefits that come with weed smoking and using weed products has also seen many people growing the crop worldwide depending on the legalisation rules in their respective states. Growing weed indoors allows people to plant as little as four crops solely for their use by using the most modern growing kits such as LED GROW LIGHTS, potting soil, HYDROPONIC growing mediums and more.

How to Quit Smoking Weed

Others have regular suppliers that deliver them with whatever STRAIN they want at any given time. Smoking weed has also gone a notch higher and today, people are not only smoking it but vaping too. However, just like many other drugs, taking weed in excess is not as great as many people believe because it can cause harm.

When this happens, the most important thing to do is to QUIT SMOKING WEEK, which is not an easy thing to do especially for those already addicted to it. In this article, we look at different way you can quit smoking weed and why it is necessary to quit the same.

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Why would you want to quit smoking weed?

Why would you want to quit something that makes you feel so good? This is probably a question many people that read about all the benefits of weed would ask a user that wants to stop. Besides the immense health and recreational benefits, too much weed smoking is not healthy.

How to Quit Smoking Weed 2

This is one of the reasons why instead of smoking weed joints, weed vaporisers are on the rise because they are safer to use. Smoking weed has both long term and short-term effects if you take weed smoking lightly. Some of these reasons are;

Mood change

If your start having mood changes when you are on weed, then you know, it is time to quit or go easy on it. mood changes can cause psychological effects, which may last for long.

Short memory impairment

In some cases, taking marijuana can impair a user’s short-term memory. If left untreated, this could cause long-term memory impairment.

Irregular heart rate

Using marijuana for a longer period of time can elevate your heart rate. Elevation of heart rate can cause other problems such as high blood pressure, coronary and cardiac problems.

Decreased mental health

Just as long usage of weed cause an elevation of the heart rate, it can also cause mental problems, which could lead to paranoia, hallucinations and other problems

Problems with the respiratory system

Smoking weed for long periods can also affect the lungs, which in turn may cause respiratory problems.

Stunted development

For teenagers and younger people still in their developing stages, too much marijuana can damage their brain cells, which in turn could lead to slow development. This prevents the younger people from reaching their full potential.

Is weed addictive?

Any drug if taken in excess can easily become an addiction. A good example is NICOTINE. Smoking nicotine for long periods turns the smokers into addicts and quitting the addiction is not an easy struggle. Weed too is not an exception and after years of using it for long periods, users develop dependency on the high, which is hard to stop.

Is weed addictive

Addiction comes with health, financial and social problems, which is one of the reasons people, quit the habit. Another major setback to quitting an addiction is having to deal with withdrawal symptoms. Below, we give you guidelines on how you can easily quit smoking weed and deal or avoid the withdrawal symptoms.

Guidelines on how to quit weed

Dependence and tolerance levels to weed vary from one person to the next. Some would have no difficulties quitting weed while others would encounter many problems on their journey to being clean. Other factors that play a large role are financial, health and emotional difficulties. However once you make that decision to quit, below are steps on HOW TO QUIT WEED.

How to Quit Smoking Weed 3

Stop purchasing or growing weed for recreation purposes

Majority of weed users buy the drug from suppliers. Weed unlike alcohol or tobacco is not a very readily available commodity. This is so especially in states where there are strict regulations about using marijuana. The first step on HOW TO QUIT SMOKING WEED, would be to stop buying or growing it for your own usage, if you cannot get your weed, then you cannot smoke it.

This is also one of the toughest decisions to make because once you run out of your stash, the need to replenish is too high. It therefore needs nothing else but string willpower not to call your supplier for more weed. If you feel the urge to buy, do something else instead such as visiting friends, taking a walk or anything else that you enjoy doing.

Reduce your intake gradually

It is very difficult for people to just stop taking something there body is already used to. If you decide to quit, you can do so by reducing the number of times you smoke weed weekly. if you did it every day, you can start by reducing to one smoke every fortnight, then maybe to twice a week, once a week and before you know it, you will have be smoking once a month and eventually stop. This too requires sheer will power because some strains are too strong to reduce the rate at which you smoke them.

Go cold turkey

Going cold turkey is also one of the hardest things to do. This requires getting rid of any stash that you have lying around and making that hard decision to just quit. Going cold turkey may cause many problems such as immense withdrawal symptoms. It may also bring about cravings and some people are not strong enough not to tend to these cravings.

What triggers the cravings after going cold turkey on weed are the THC compounds still stored in the body’s fat cells. Unlike tobacco or nicotine, which does not stay in the body for long, the THC in weed circulates into your system even after stoppage, which triggers the cravings.  There are different ways you can tame the cravings. These are

Take up a sport or do something else that helps you to forget smoking weed

This may not be as simple as it sounds and not everyone that tries doing something else succeeds in keeping the cravings away. However, it is one of the best ways to distract yourself from the need to smoke or vape. This is the best time to start something that you have put aside because of always being high from weed such as a favourite hobby, reading, travelling and sports among many others.

Engage in other physical and social activities and exercises

Another great way to get rid of the cravings is by engaging in regular exercises, which helps to take your mind off weed. Besides distracting you, exercising is also one of the best ways to regain your physical health and to get rid of symptoms such as anxiety and depression.

Do not stay idle

Being idle after quitting weed can trigger the cravings. Instead of staying idle with nothing to do, go out, socialise and do something useful. You can even join in communal activities or visit friends and family.

Surround yourself with a strong support system

It is very vital to have people around you that understand your struggle and are willing to help you fight the cravings. Such people will give you motivation and walk with you through this hard to handle journey.

Take supplements that may help you to stop

This is not a very popular move because not many supplements in the market can help you fight the need to quit smoking weed unlike in nicotine and tobacco addictions where there are patches and special gums. However, before you dismiss the thought, research widely and find out if there are any approved medical supplements that can help with the process. You could also talk to your physician about possible supplements and any other medications that may help.

Join addicts programs

Though majority of the programs are popular with alcoholics, they accommodate people fighting with drug addictions too. If you are still fighting the urge to quit without any success, joining these programs helps you to listen to other addicts’ stories and finding the courage to move on from their stories. You also get to learn the 12-step program, which help to guide you through the process of fighting your addiction and cravings. Addiction groups are anonymous and they have sponsors to help guide you through the journey.

Go to rehab

Going to rehab is the last step to try if all else fails. This is good especially for the hard hit addicts. As suitable and ideal as it is or all addicts unable to give up their habit, not everyone can afford the treatment because of their financial and time constraints. Going to rehab requires you taking off some time from your daily routine and spending it in a place with other people struggling with different kinds of addictions.

It also requires that you have some money because the centres are not free. Rehab is one of the best options because while you are there, you receive medical help, intensive treatment and thorough counselling throughout your stay. You also get to interact with people from all lifestyles living the kind of life you are and all fighting to get better.

It is a hard program for some people especially those forced into the treatment and in such cases, they just stay on because of the strict regulations but relapse the minute they leave the programs. To counter this, the best option would be to first counsel the addiction patients.

Go for counselling

Some people may want to quit but have absolutely no idea how to go about it or what will become of them after kicking the habit. Others may sit on the fence about going to rehab to help them with their addictions. The best thing to do when this happens is to professional help from a trained counsellor. Talking to someone that is not, your relative or close friend sometimes helps to let it all out and a counsellor will help you perfect your plan to quit weed.

How To Quit Weed Without Withdrawals Or Sleepless Nights:



Weed Withdrawal Symptoms

Weed Withdrawal Symptoms

When you quit taking weed, it takes about a week for THC to leave the body system especially for light smokers. Heavy users that quit the drug start having withdrawal symptoms about three weeks after their last smoke. MARIJUANA just like nicotine is addictive and with every addictive substance, there is always withdrawal symptoms that come after quitting.

Before you try to quit, you will need to understand that your body system will go through many feelings before finally adjusting to a drug free life. Some of the most notable withdrawal symptoms are stomach pains, anxiety, mood swings, and lack of appetite, depression, irritability, restlessness, insomnia and frequent headaches. Some may also have prolonged sweating moments and many other issues.

For some heavy users anything such as the smell of weed can have them craving for the high that comes with THC. As bad as these symptoms may appear, they are not life threatening and you can control them easily by doing the following things.

Drink plenty of water and other non-carbonated drinks

Water helps to clean the system of toxins, which come out in urine, sweat and faecal leaving you hydrated and healthy.

Eat a healthy diet

It helps to eat healthy well-balanced foods to regain your strength. Some people on weed neglect their eating habits because sometimes they are too high to even bother. Focus on high fiber foods, fruits and green vegetables.

Take coffee

Caffeine is one of the best antidotes to the effects brought on by marijuana. Taking a cup or two daily will help to bring down the symptoms and reduce the anxiety and headaches.

Take fluids with high antioxidants

Antioxidants are also great for the system if you are trying to live a cleaner healthier life. If you do not know the foods rich in antioxidants, you can seek help from a nutritionist who will give you a list of what to take. One great fluid with antioxidants is tea.

Get enough sleep

You need to allow your body to rest well enough after quitting in order to cope with the symptoms

To Quit Or Not To Quit Weed?

As good as the high and the medical benefits of marijuana are to people, smoking too much of it can lead to several health and mental problems. Some of the problems include lung issues, risk of strokes and heart diseases. For younger smokers, being over dependant on weed can lead to cognitive impairments, which in turn slows down their brain activities.

Weed over dependence may also lead to memory loses, slow learning abilities, sleep disorders and other issues. It is however not all bad because weed is known to help in relieving pain especially for patients going through chemotherapy or helping with memory for Alzheimer’s patients. It is also a social drug as it helps to bring people together and give users that happy feeling that allows then to connect more with people.

Some strains such as SOUR DIESEL also help to bring out creativity in people more. When not taken in large doses and very frequently, weed is not all bad. However, it becomes necessary to quit if instead of the drug helping you, it makes you feel lousy. If you feel as if you cannot go for a day or for a few hours without THC in your system, then that is a red alert that you are becoming dependant on weed and therefore time to stop.

When it turns you into a paranoia person or a violent one, then you know it is time to quit. When you develop breathing problems or your heart rate starts to increase, then you know it is time to quit the stuff.


Wrapping it up

Quitting weed may seem like a hard thing to do but if you have the will power, you can do it any time you want. The good thing is that in many states, there are resources to help those trying to quit and those addicted to weed. There are many institutions you can go to for support and you can reach out to people close to you for support.

Full recovery takes time and you should not rush anything. Also, remember all people have different systems and you should not worry if one person kicks the habit faster than you do. We hope this article gives you a clear guideline of what to expect and how to kick the habit once you reach the decision to quit.

If you have a friend suffering from addiction and wants to quit too, you can share the article with her or him. Get back to us with any comments or questions and we will be glad to respond. Also, read our earlier articles on weed strains to know their medical and recreational benefits.

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Bowden draws from over a decade of home growing experience as well as consulting for small-scale and hobbyist-level growers. He has written hundreds of articles, thought pieces, and tutorials about growing cannabis at home

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