10 Best Cloning Gel, Rooting Hormone For Marijuana Reviews


As a farmer I know that, it’s a big hassle to make roots from your marijuana plant’s cutting with only plain water. Also the chances are 50%. For better result and minimizing the risk, a best clone gel is essential for you.

The Cloning Gel is perfect for those who love to grow maximum amount of roots within short time.

However, a smart grower always want maximum result with decent investment. That’s why, for those smart grower today I made this buying guide on clone gel. I tried my best to provide all those information you may need before getting one for you.

So, are you excited to know more? If you’re then just jump into it.   

Cloning Gel for marijuana

Basic Things you should know about Cloning Gel

So before getting one cloning gel, you should gather some knowledge. As I always say, every smart grower gather knowledge before purchasing anything. For the reason, I gathered some essential facts for you. So, let’s get started!

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Top Cloning Gel – Comparison Table

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What is Cloning Gel?

At first, you should know what is it? Well, it is a superior formula which is made for your plant cutting to grow roots. You may think, you can grow without this special material by just wringing the cutting in water. Honestly speaking, yes you can but it’s going to be a mass and difficulty level is just going to be too high. Cloning gel and powder both contains essential nutrients and vitamins for speedily growing with less effort.

How it use a clone rooting gel

So many beginner and intermediate farmer think, it’s hard to use but frankly speaking, it’s not true. It’s very easy to use a rooting or cloning gel. How? Here is the process.

  • At first, you’ve to take your desired plant cutting. (below you’ll find how to make cutting)
  • You’ve to dip it in water now.
  • Take some gel in container.
  • Now dip it in the gel or powder. (Depends which one you’re using.)
  • Finally, plant the cutting in moist soil.

So, now wait somedays and see how roots are rising ;). So, is it tough or easy? Now you decide!

How do Gel works?

The gel has nutrients and vitamin which feeds the cutting and helps the root to grow.

What is the purpose of rooting hormone?

The purpose of rooting hormone is, massive healthy and strong root growing.

How to long it takes for a plant to take root?

Actually it depends. Usually it takes one-two weeks to take root but sometimes it take more. So, it’s completely depends on the plant’s nature.

So, these were some questions and answers you should know about rooting hormone gel.

Benefits of Using best cloning gel and powder

Without benefit none like to invest, isn’t it? That’s why, here are some benefits of rooting hormones, which will help you to understand why you need a best rooting hormone gel and powder for growing.

  • Helps to grow massive root: It helps to use massive root. If you can use a best product on it then you can see the result.
  • Easy to use: It’s very easy to use. No risk and not harmful at all.
  • Essential Ingredient: It’s made of all those essential and natural elements which make your plant happy. That’s why, it grows fast and strongly.
  • Secure and safe: It’s very secure and safe to use. Even while growing it saves the plant from other infections.
  • Speedy: It take a short amount of time and within this short time, it provides huge result.

So, these are the usefulness and benefits of using cloning gel and powder. Now, you decide a cloning gel worth your money or not 😉

How to cut on your plant (process of making cutting)

As you already know, how to use rooting (gel and powder) hormones. However, I am quite sure some of you don’t know how to your plant. That’s why, here I’m providing some tips which I followed for collecting cuttings.


Things you should consider before cutting

  • Always stay focus where you cut the clone. Because if you cut a part which isn’t well-grown and weak then you’ll get never get roots.
  • At first, find which part is best for cutting. Always try to find a branch which breaks a little when you bend it, it’s the best place to cut because it’s healthy and perfect for growing clone.

Things you may need while cutting: A clean pair of scissor.

Why a clean pair of scissor?

Because it’s safe and dangerous bacteria-free. Always remember one thing, the cutting is a very sensitive place even a small amount of bacteria can destroy it. ☹ So, buy a good and sharp scissor for cutting.

How to cut

Finally, the most important thing comes in.

  • Always cut with a sharp and clean scissor.
  • Always cut the stem at 45 degree angle.

It’s the healthiest way of cutting marijuana. It’s the ideal process for growing more roots.  I hope it helped you to cut the stem of your plant. If you face any problem while cutting just comment below.

Controversial Topic described: liquid vs gel vs powder for cloning

There are three types of rooting hormones are available. Those are available in liquid, gel and powder. Want to know about all these kind of clone rooting hormones? Scroll down!


There are two type of liquid rooting hormones are available. Those are:

  • Ready-to-go Liquid: It’s the read-to-go liquid rooting hormone. Some of us, always do a mistake. We always put the cutting in the bottle of it but we shouldn’t do it. Always use it after putting it in a different container, it’ll prevent your cutting from diseases.
  • Focused liquid: If you’re using a focused liquid then obviously you’ve to dilute it before using. It’s perfect for those who are ready to take the hassle of diluting and also for those who’re in search of something cheap in price.

Now you decide, which one could be your favorite!


If you’re looking for a more strong and shelf-stable rooting hormone then the powdered one goes perfect with you. Many intermediate, passionate and professional growers are fan of it. Why? Because it makes your roots tougher and self-stable. It performs last longer.

Well, it isn’t that tough to do. At first, dip the cutting in water and take some powder in a bowl. Now dip that drizzly cutting into the powder. If you fell the cutting got too much powder then just get rid of it.


So, it’s the perfect time to introduce with gel. It’s the modern and most popular and effective type of rooting hormone. Its many grower’s first choice because it’s the most useful rooting process. Even it feels me comfortable and fits me the most.

It’s the easiest process I have ever seen. Just put some gel in a bowl or plate or maybe in a container and just dip the cutting on it. As it’s sticky, it’ll stick with the cutting so you don’t have to do more. Just put it in moist soil or in any other medium you’re using and you’re done now. 😉

Our Picks: Best Cloning (Rooting Hormone) Liquid, Powder and Gel

Here is the time for the most interesting section. I think now you all the basic and important things you should know about rooting hormones. That’s why, here I’m recommending some best products I’ve ever used.

I reviewed all these three types of rooting hormones, find your one now ☺

Honestly speaking, I used more than fifteen rooting hormones and I got both best and worst experiences. After gathering all these knowledge and experience, I’m sharing my experience with you. So, without further due, just jump on it.

Best for your money: Hydrodynamics Clonex Rooting Gel


  • Easy to use
  • Worth your money and inexpensive too
  • Provide satisfying result
  • Reliable

It delivers the maximum result


  • Not for those big and strong plants (for them clone powder works well)

When it comes to clone gel, Clonex is the best brand I ever used. I used some of their products and I found it’s the best product. It’s not my view, almost every grower who use it have the same opinion. That’s why, here I am reviewing the first product from our recommendation, the Hydrodynamics Clonex Rooting Gel.

This rooting gel is very popular for its fast and super growth and performance. Some grower says, it’s the most stubborn gel they ever used. Why stubborn? Because it performs obstinately. It sticks around the stem/branch and supplies all the hormones and vitamins for rooting cell development and protecting the tantalizing new root tissues. The gel also contains full spectrum of inorganic nutrients which helps to feed the young root during essential determinative stages. The procedure takes 1-2 weeks.

It’s perfect for you if you’re looking for a best clone gel that can develop and grow many clones. It’s available in 100,500 and 1000ml bottles. So, after understanding your need, grab it!

Worth your money and time: Clonex Rooting Compound Gel

Clonex Rooting Compound Gel

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  • High success ratio
  • Cheap as well
  • Perfect for beginner and entry level grower
  • It has full spectrum mineral
  • Start growing and also nourish young roots.

Looking for a smaller one? Go for it!


  • Sometimes take a little long time.
  • Not powerful as powder.

Once again, another review from famous brand, Hydrodynamics International’s Clonex Rooting Gel. It’s one of the most effective rooting gel I have ever used. Here I’m sharing my experience so that you can decide how effective it is. 😉

Well, it is a water-based rooting compound gel from Clonex. This is perfect from small in-house use or for some small experiment. Why for small tasks? Because it’s a package of only 15 ml. It’s a resolute gel that always sticks around the stem also seal the cut tissue and provide hormones that needed to promote root cell development. It’s an alcohol-free formula and risk free too.

I bought it for a small experiment on the cutting of marijuana plant. I thought, I may need 2/3 packets cause its very small in size. However, I was surprised that, my project is done but the first package still has 7-8 ml left. It also provides high success rate. I got almost 9/10 roots from each cutting.

It’s a perfect choice for those who’re beginner and growing small amount of marijuana.

Consistent and Powerful- Technaflora Rootech Gel

Technaflora Rootech Gel

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  • Powerful as beast
  • Works smoothly
  • Show result within a week
  • Stays long
  • Available in various sizes

Perfect for those who’re looking for something powerful?


  • Not a better option, if you’re already using rooting powder.

Do you want to try something different and something unique? Here’s something we both can agree on and that is, obviously there’re some better options available. So, here is my next overview of Technaflora Rootech Gel, I hope you’ll enjoy it ?

First of all, Technaflora is one of the most popular and well-reputed brand of the market. As you already know, I love to use different type of products. Using one product for a long time isn’t my type of thing. For the reason, I decided to give a try on Technaflora’s product and then I bought Technaflora Rootech Gel.

When I was buying this product, I saw it’s available in 7, 56, 112 and 224-gram containers. As I don’t need too much that’s why I just picked the 7 grams container. It’s also a water-based gel not liquid hormone.  It has been created with many natural hormones and essential vitamins so that it works so effectively. For the reason, it’s known as one of the most powerful cloning gel of the market.

It also provides high-focus of IBA hormone at .55% which helps to increase the growth of the root and strong clones’ rate. As you can see, it provides high and powerful amount of hormones which helps it to provide the best result. I saw the improvement of roots from the cutting within only one week. The best part of it is, you can easily dilute it with water. I used the 7 grams pack on almost 39 cuttings.

I can see you’re thinking, why should you trust the brand Technaflora, right? Well, the Canadian brand Technaflora tests the products made by them in their private indoor garden, in their horticulture grow house. After testing and getting good results, they release it for sell.    

The Rootech gel worth your try for once, at least!

 For faster, healthier and stronger rooting clones: Quick Clone Gel


  • Easy to use
  • Very effective
  • Provide fast result
  • Available in 2 sizes. 75ml 250 ml.
  • Made with 100% natural ingredients

Do you want to make healthier roots with more than 60+ natural elements? Congratulation, Quick Clone Gel is your solution.


  • Little-bit expensive
  • Do not work on all kind of plants. (Found it from my own experience but works well on roses, cactus, bonsai, bamboo, pepper, orchids and tomatoes.)

After using, so many products, I want to use something more powerful but more natural and healthier for my plants. That’s why, I picked Quick Clone Gel. Do you know what my experience with it was?  

If this question is surrounding on your mind then the answer is, I was looking for a product which is more natural and healthier. The thing attracted me is, it’s built with organic elements brewed in tea. Even it also has no artificial tint. Instead of artificial tints, the gel comes with amino acids, rooting hormones and vitamins. I found the price is little bit high but the quality worth it for sure.  

After purchasing it, I started using it on my weed cutting. I thought as it has natural ingredients, it will be quite tough to use. However, they again proved me wrong! It was very easy to use and anyone can use it. I used an entire bottle of 75ml on 30 cuttings. After one week, I was literally shocked, how is this possible? The 30 cuttings have roots that means the success score is 10/10. From that day, I recommend it to every new grower I met!

It’s perfect for those who hate to use artificial stuffs on their plant.

Other Type of Rooting Hormones

Best Cloning Liquid: Clonex Clone Solution

Clonex Clone Solution

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  • Easy to use
  • Works greaqt with cloning machine
  • It helps to start growing roots from the cutting
  • Cheap in price
  • You don’t have to use huge amount of it for better result.

Best for those who’re seeking for a liquid solution includes high-quality natural minerals


  • For some plant’s cutting, following instruction is essential.

As I said, in the last review about the brand Clonex. It is one of the greatest and popular brand in rooting hormone industry. Also in the controversial topic, I described about liquid rooting hormone, which isn’t as effective as gel. However, it’s a cheap solution. So, here is an overview on my experience with Clonex Clone Solution.

It’s made with high-quality minerals like potassium. Calcium plus, nitrogen, phosphorus and many other essential natural minerals. It also contains vitamin B1 which reduces the danger of transplant shock.

While using it, I found it works fine and effectively. It stays 51x more than my hope. I used a quartz on it and I got good amount of roots from the cutting.

It was my experience with Clonex Clone Solution. In case, you liked it don’t forget to give it a try.

Best powder-based rooting hormone: Miracle Grow FastRoot Dry Powder


  • Best for tough plant.
  • Delivers good result within small time.
  • Stays for a long time. (Through, it depends on your use)

Are you looking for something stronger than gel? Go for it!


  • Little-bit expensive in price.
  • Not that easy to use.

So, on last two reviews and also in controversial topic, I used a word “powder.” Even you guessed that, cloning powder is much powerful than other type of rooting forms. Yes, because cloning gel and liquid only works flawlessly on small and medium plants. So. What’s perfect for strong things like hardy decorative plants? The answer is, Fastroot Dry Powder. For the reason, today here I’m sharing my experience with a rooting powder which is Miracle Grow FastRoot Dry powder.

The Miracle Grow FastRoot Dry Powder is perfect for rooting house, greenery and hardy decorative plants. You can use it on leaf, softwood cutting, greenwood cutting. Just deeply trunk that cutting and into powder and plant on moist soil as soon as possible.

After ordering it for my rose plant, I used it after following the process and it provided me little roots within few weeks. After two weeks I found some roots from the cutting and the success rate was 9/10 (that one was dead for my mistake). The roots were growing very strongly.

Alike you, I was also shocked that, how can a small package give me this much! Even not just that, it lasts for me for more than one year (depends on how you use).

The Miracle Grow FastRoot Dry Powder is highly recommended for those who’re on the lookout for a rooting powder.

However, it isn’t that easy to use like rooting gel. I will still prefer cloning gel for growing marijuana.

Best combination for gel: Hydrodynamics Clonex Mist Root Stimulator

Hydrodynamics Clonex Mist Root Stimulator

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  • Easy to use
  • Complete package
  • Comes with an illustrated instructional brochure
  • No harmful toxic or hormone includes.
  • 100% safe


  • It won’t work, if you don’t follow the instructional brochure. (Not a downside actually!)

It’s the last review of our recommendation and I want to end the journey with something you may need during the rooting process. It’s a liquid rooting hormone which is Clonex Mist Root Stimulator.                                                               

  Works best with a clonex gel!

I was looking for something which can help me to grow more like a supportive element. At the meantime, I got to know about Clonex’s Hydrodynamic Clonex mist root stimulator.

When I got it in my hand, I found that, I have to use it with clonex gel for best performance. At that time, I had Hydrodynamics Clonex Rooting Gel in my collection. I started using it in a combination with the gel. I was using it regularly in rooting process after a week I got something more than I expected. As it has no toxic, hormones and it’s safe for plant, I got huge result within 8 days only.

Won’t it work without clone gel? Obviously it’ll but for better performance you need to mix it with gel.

If you’re looking for something which’ll help you while growing roots from the cutting just go and grab it.  


The guideline is going to end now. I hope you got lots of knowledge from it. If you ever tried growing with only plain water and failed. Don’t lose your hope, try rooting hormones from my recommendation, I believe you won’t regret.

Don’t forget to let me know your experience through comment.

As you understand now the importance of clone gel so don’t forget to give it a try it. Always invest in best rooting hormones and see how massive result you get. 😉

5/5 - (5 votes)

Bowden draws from over a decade of home growing experience as well as consulting for small-scale and hobbyist-level growers. He has written hundreds of articles, thought pieces, and tutorials about growing cannabis at home

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